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Success Story

Before TP-90
After TP-90

To say that Don Schwanke of Topeka, KS had a big job ahead of him is a bit of an understatement. After all, a bus could not be considered your run-of-the-mill restoration. But, faith in his own ability, and the products offered by TP Tools, proved that no project is too big. Here is his story told in his own words.

"I knew when I first saw it in the used bus sales lot, that someday I would have to paint it. It was huge, 40 foot long, and 12 foot high, a 1975 GMC P8M 4905A Bus. Having spent its entire life in Hawaii as a tour bus, it was getting rusty from years of ocean breezes. I was mentally computing how I could manage the scaffolding and logistics of it all.

As the changes were made, years of dings and rust to repair, new panels to prep, it became a realization that it was going to be a big job. Not appreciating the $12,000 to $20,000 price of paint job quotes I had been getting, I decided to prep and paint it myself. I had done some such jobs in my past on smaller items, and knew that my shop would be covered with overspray when I was finished. I was aware vaguely of the HVLP technology, but local dealers were not helpful.

A call to TP Tools provided me with all the information I was seeking, and the person did not even flinch when I asked him which unit would be the best to paint a large bus. I accepted his recommendation and ordered the TP-90 unit. I had gained faith in TP products, much of it from the project reports that were included in their catalogs. Obviously people like myself were buying and using these products successfully and happily.

The actual painting went well. I had some physical limits of holding the gun out there for long periods, so a friend who also owned a bus and was knowledgeable of painting helped me. There was a learning curve, since neither of us had ever painted with the HVLP gun. We sectioned off the project into smaller portions, which proved to be a wise choice. I opted to use acrylic enamel for the project, and soon we were painting like pro's, I even had to paint my towed vehicle to match the bus.

When I was finished, I was amazed to discover there was virtually NO overspray on anything in the shop. The completed job has earned many compliments as admirers praise the professional finish we achieved. Thanks TP Tools, for helping me paint my bus."

Don would love to hear from fellow restorers. Email him at DonGeneda@bigfoot.com
